Friday, March 15, 2013


Hey peeps, 

I'm craving a weekend trip, and I really want to go to San Francisco! I just have to find a weekend that I'm not working...hmmm so it might be a while. I'm freelancing on weekends now, plus plotting how to raise money for Equality Now (more on that later, but if you are looking for a great book to read, THIS one is very intense and empowering!!)

I have always had a love for SF. I was supposed to go to college there, but for some reason I decided to switch my choice to Long Beach State at the last minute (which was the best decision ever, so it was worth it!). I usually visit the city every other year just about, but it's been a good 2-3 years now and I'm getting a craving again. I'm going to schedule a trip in my planner way in advance so I'll have time, otherwise I think I would just work year round without a second thought! Gotta make time for fun!!

Have a great weekend! I'm going to try to get some sun, and then burn and complain about it haha!