Hey there! I'm Hannah Myvanwy, writer of HanMyvan.
Voting outfit!
This blog is a lifestyle/writing blog, meaning I'll be writing about some silly life stuff to help me practice with my aspirations to become a full time freelance writer. Just as chefs practice cooking to hone their skills, I practice writing this blog to fine-tune my skills for the future. I write on a variety of topics including: beauty, personal, career, finance, how-to, advise, opinion, and fictional stories. Currently I'm on my 52 Stories Challenge (check out what that is HERE) and my Makeup Capsule diaries (see what that is HERE). I believe in writing for fun, so if I'm not feeling it, I won't put it into my personal blog. That being said, if one post doesn't work for you, maybe the next one will since my topics vary so much. Also, I'm not a professional in any of these above categories, but you can ask me anything you need clarification.
Quick facts:
-Fave singer: Ray Lamontagne HERE
-Fave place to shop: Ann Taylor LOFT HERE
-Fave skin care product: Everything from Skin&Co Roma HERE
-Fave product ever: Egyptian Magic HERE
-Daily mantra: STRONG is better than THIN (body image issues)
-Obsessed with: my cat, seriously, I started a tumblr for her HERE
What is your day job/side job?
I do administration and marketing for an architect firm during the day. Then I do side work at night for a few sites, check out my services HERE.
Why did you start a blog?
When I got engaged in 2011 I started blogging to keep track of all the stuff I was learning about wedding planning, then I just decided to keep blogging. I moved on to talk more about movies, shopping, beauty products, and some personal shenanigans. I took a break for a while, but I'm back and doing my 52 Stories challenge which is really fun!
Who designed your logo?
I did! I love logo design, and I can do one for your blog too if you would like one. I decided on an art deco theme and turned the colors in reverse to give it a neon sign feel. Also, I love hot pink and teal, sooo that worked out very well!
Did you go to college? Where?
Yes, I went to Long Beach State University in southern California, and I have two degrees from there: one in Communications Studies (Rhetorical Analysist concentration) and one in Film and Electronic Arts (screenwriting concentration). If you have questions about CSULB or those majors feel free to contact me.
Why aren't you doing film right now?
Well, it's a long story, but I get paid much better in my current job, so that was a driving factor. Film will always be my passion (writing specifically) but I don't know when I'll ever return to working on set. I really enjoy working only 8 hours a day as opposed to 12-14 and making more moolah.
What does Han//Myvan mean?
It's short for Hannah Myvanwy, which are my first and middle names. Han Myvan is a long time nickname for me from coworkers. Also Hanimal is another favorite nickname from some of my husband's friends, which I think is hilarious. In high school everyone called me Mini Hannah/Mini H since there was another Hannah in my class. She was way taller than me, hence the "mini" part.
Why do you make a goofy face in most of your photos?
Why not? I don't like being serious for photos because I think that gets boring. My mom can tell you just how annoying that was every time she tried to take my photo for a school event (sorry mom!).
What do you use to make collages?
Photoshop Elements (digital download) that I got on Amazon for about $70.
What camera do you use/editing filters/apps?
My iPhone 4 camera. I use a ton of camera editing apps:
-Rhonna Designs
What workout routines do you do to stay in shape?
With an office job it's very important to me to stay in shape, so I've been following the Tone It Up gals since summer 2013. Also, I try to do my errands by walking around town rather than driving, and I take the stairs whenever possible. I eat somewhat healthy, but I love cheese and sweets too much to really commit to a full on healthy living diet.
What kind of car do you drive?
It's a 2005 Saturn Ion, but since it's been recalled I like to call it my deathtrap Saturn. (PS, GM hates when I use the hashtag #deathtrapsaturn on Twitter!)
Do you have any tattoos or scars?
I just have a minor scar on my foot, but I was in a big car accident that messed up one of my tattoos. I have two tattoos, both on my hips, one is a dove and the other is my husband's initials (very clique, I know, I get crap for it all the time, but I still love it). The dove I got when I was 18, and the seatbelt I was wearing in the accident cut through my hip and into the tattoo. Since it was only 3 hours old, with the plastic wrap still on it, the tattoo was affected, but only slightly. A little chunk of the dove's wings is carved out. I take it as a nice little reminder that seat belts do in fact save lives, and that drunk drivers are all going to rot in hell (a drunk driver hit me). I'm planning on getting my third one on my ribs/shoulder. It's going to be kind of big (sorry mom).
Who does your hair?
I get my hair done at the amazing Alchemy Salon in Fresno, and I'll get some highlight touchups either at Bluebird Salon or at my own apartment. My hair color never turns out how I want it to at home, so I will usually end up back at a salon. I highly recommend never bleaching your own hair.
*Just a reminder to the reader: I'm sarcastic in nature, and a lil sassy too. If you don't like my attitude, I'm sure we just misunderstood each other, and I didn't purposefully mean to offend you. Please don't take everything I say/write here too serious, and please discontinue reading rather than leave a negative comment if you are so inclined. Thank you.
Any other questions? Leave them in the comments. Thanks!
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