Leslie's power gaze:
My power gaze: (had to take photos in our company's bathroom, which has it's original 1920s wallpaper still...it's very yellow)
With my demon eyes, but no editing whatsoever for these makeup capsule looks!
Here are two more photos of my look, both with demon less eyes, yay!:
It's soooo weird taking a selfie with closed eyes!
I think she used more gold eyeshadow that what I did. I went with a pink-ish combo. Here's my version:
Naked2 Palette by Urban Decay, worth the splurge in my opinion.
Kind of similar, right? I love Parks and Rec, so I thought it was only appropriate that I at least try to look like Leslie for a day full of Knope-ish tasks. Unfortunately, I didn't have a power suit to wear, but I still repp'ed the ladies at this all male meeting. I felt pretty good about it!
Some super exciting career news: I got hired this week to write for The Giggle Guide, and I'm very excited about it! My first article was published this week, read it HERE. I might be bouncing up and down with joy right now!! This month has been a lot of hard work but getting another writing gig definitely makes it all worth it. It's one step towards my ultimate career goal, and I'm pretty excited about it! If you are also blazing your own path, please send me an email or comment below with all your achievements this month too. Seriously, list them out and brag away! No matter how small, they are all steps in the right direction. I submitted about 30+ resumes to get one job this month, but one job is worth it. Hopefully this trend continues, fingers crossed.
As far as weekend plans go, the hubs and I have dinner plans Saturday night with some new friends (Paige, the amazing lady behind the blog Healthy Hits The Spot HERE, and her equally cool hubs), then some minor apartment prep work for a walkthrough next week by our landlord (more on that later), and some writing and yoga. Might check out a new church too. All in all, I'm looking forward to the weekend and the month being over, because that means a new budget! I might do some planning for that as well, we'll see how it goes. A book I'm looking at getting is this one HERE, How To Be Parisian Wherever You Are. Sounds like a fun twist on all the typical "being French" books out there. I'll let you know if it's a good read.