Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Lately I've been obsessing over New York City, so here is a crap-ton of photos of my random train of thought about the place. I will go there one of these days! Might go with the besty seeing as her sis is there already. Just have to save up some cash so that I can actually have a fun time. This town is expensive, but so is every city, so suck it up and save if you wanna go anywhere! Your frugality will be worth it once you take your first step in a new place.

That's my favorite part of traveling: the first step. It's a feeling you cannot replicate. It's almost like when you see another viewpoint so clearly for the first time, or when you read a story that coincides with your life so perfectly it's as if it was written about you. But it's better than that. It's indescribable. I always want to remember every single second of my trip. I will stare at everything longer than politeness tells me to, just to make sure it gets locked into my brain. That's why after 7 years I still remember Paris like it was yesterday....awkward stares, yes. Regrets? Nope!

Have a great Wednesday peeps. 

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