Sorry for the long break, but between holiday deadlines, plus more family shenanigans, blogging was the very last thing on my to do list. But! It's time to get back in the saddle again! Here's what to expect soon on this lil spot o' internet:
-Makeup capsule round up. I'll tell ya what worked, what didn't, and the cool stuff I learned along the way.
-Stories. Remember that challenge I started a bazillion years ago?
Yeah, it's been stretched out forevvvveeerrrr.
I'm going to get that sucker done finally! Back to regular Wednesday stories!!
-Film breakdowns. I am still watching horror movies, and I'll break down the ones I watch for all you non-horror watching peeps. Trust me, you won't feel a single goose-bump, promise.
-Freelancing updates. I have some goals for this year that I want to share, plus my update for like, November and December I think. Crap it's been a minute.
-Local stuff. Food tours, other local things--I want to do a tab bit more writing about this good ol' town of SLO. Spoiler alert, it's going to mainly be about food.
-Book reviews. My taste in literature is really all over the place, so whether you're an 80 year old man who likes bond-like books or a 90s chick who likes to re-read some classics, I've got ya covered. I read a ton of books all the time, so once I'm done I'll give you a review of it to see if it's worthy. You might wanna apply for your library card now, so you can check out some of these winners asap.

Also, eventually, I'm going to re-do this site too. It's high time to get it updated, sooooo it might have some shiny new layouts and colors and stuff!
Now here are two ridiculous pics for your entertainment:
On my father-in-laws new bike (yes we are trying to mean mug lol...)
Forcing Marz Barz to take a selfie with me (she now hates me)
Thats it for now!!!