Yesterday was my boo's bday, so naturally I took the day off to allow for shenanigans.
Classy breakfast: We had pancakes with a little real vanilla extract added and oven baked bacon (the easiest way I've ever cooked it!). Our TMNT orange juice glasses were a great find since we are both HUGE fans. The champagne is Tobin James, local here and delicious everywhere. Get it and you will be hooked, promise.
Here's what I got him:
He really likes spiderman, so I figured if we frame a few comics in a classy way, we could easily add them to our apartment decor without feeling like we are kids (well, younger kids, lets be honest we aren't that grown up yet). So I ordered six of his favorites from the 90s and got a huge frame for them. I had to wrap them in scrap-paper/blueprints from work, and even then they didn't cover up the frame very well, so I had to layer them on. It was a little bulky to say the least.
(That's his card I made him, taped to the front. It's dorky so that's why I'm not sharing a close up--sorry boos!)
I think he caught comic book fever because next we headed to a local comic book store, and he was in heaven. This is only one row of the many that are in this warehouse-sized store!
They had everything there, including this little gem:
After going to another shop that was smaller, (not pictured, it was a little claustrophobic in there to be honest), he got two more to add and we set about rematting them. Ta da!
And here he is setting up his train set that he got from his parents. Kind of a toy-themed birthday this year!
Then we got dinner and saw Hangover Part III, which was pretty entertaining for being a sequel. I need to post my summer movie list--I'll do that soon boos!! There are a handful of films coming out that I'm looking forward to, plus with the movie tickets being only $10 here, it's more affordable than in Long Beach. I guess small towns have that going for them.
Now back to work and the real world...