Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Quick Cat Eye To The Rescue!


This week at work (day job) has been nuts and it's only Tuesday. Deadlines pushed up, quick presentations thrown together, under the gun cut offs...it's been terribly stressful. So, I've been getting ready extra quick in the mornings so I can get a head start on my day at the office. A cat eye hides the fact that I had 5 minutes to put all my makeup on, plus it lasts all day long (yes after the gym too bc I never take my makeup off to workout, whoops). Here's my quick cat eye breakdown since I'm sure a couple of you are also feeling the pressure around this week and might need a quicker makeup routine too. Here's my go-to look:

Makeup you'll need (all mostly within my makeup capsule too, yay!):

-SPF moisturizer HERE (or get it at Costco for way cheap)
-Under eye concealer (optional, use if you have dark circles) HERE
-BB cream HERE (remember how my skin was all weird and peeling?! Only this works)
-Bronzer HERE
-Blush (use the same brush as your bronzer one for quicker application) HERE (no brush link bc mine's super old)
-Eyebrow brush (angled) HERE and eyebrow shadow HERE
-Pale pink eyeshadow (I used BOOTYCALL in my Naked 2 Palette by Urban Decay) HERE, best investment ever!
-Liquid eyeliner (long wear preferred) HERE
-Mascara (also long wear) HERE (ran out of the one from my capsule, and this one was on super sale, so I got it in Carbon Black for about $3 #score)

Here's my face with all this stuff jammed on it (*apologies for the low quality, I had my flash off since I was at my desk at work, and my hair is still a little damp from washing it this morning. I of course didn't do shit to it ha!). 

Close-up! That eyebrow just wants to lift up for some reason.

Chapstick only, but a lip stain would look great with this look.

Works great with goofy faces too! Tested a few out for ya ;)

Tried to get a side-look shot since my uber hooded eye lids get in the way sometimes. #alsobigforehead

And that's it! Really quick if you've been practicing your cat eyes. Seriously, it used to take me forever to get those right, and now it's like I'm on auto pilot when I apply them. They aren't perfect by any means, but I'm happy enough with them now in the first swipe to wear them for the day. Do it everyday for a week and you'll know what I mean, I promise!

Alright, back to the grind.


Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday Shit-nanigans

This week has been full of terrible deadlines and frustrating clients, hence the title. I'm over it.

We got this Anthro mag in the mail at work, and so obvi I had to add some of my signature comments and mustaches. When I was a kid, and well into my teen and young adulthood too, I would buy magazines, read them, and then draw all over them. It was so freakin entertaining for me. Literally, all my fashion mags got tagged. I haven't done this in a few years though, so when I saw this in the mail I knew I had to start it up again (re: bored at work). Here are some of my pages (ps: sorry Anthro model for tagging the shit outta yo image, but if it makes you feel better, you totally pull off the pirate eye patch).

See this mag online HERE, (overpriced) cute shit in it! 

My coworkers got into it too!! They added some hilarious stuff!

So if you have some fashion mags laying around, and don't know what to do with them, or if you take a bubble bath and get bored with your Vogue (like I used to do every single weekend in high school), start tagging them. Trust me, it gets really fun and weird and it's the best thing ever. 

Then put your tagged mags out in the open for your roommates/significant others to enjoy!

Happy Friday! #ineedadrink


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Story 24 // Death By A Broken Heart (Free Verse Poem)

I think it's true that you can die of a broken heart.

To miss someone so much, you could just burst.

Your chest gets tight whenever you think of them,
hoping to see them again in another life/time/place...

You never think this way in the beginning. No one does.

It's as if this love slowly consumes your heart,
all your organs become infested,
love taking over each cell in your body.

Without you even knowing.

Your doctors all think you're fine.
No irregular breathing,
no kidney issues,
no pain, yet...

But soon, you stop sleeping,
stop dreaming, only existing for the day.

No planning is on the horizon anymore.

Fine dining tastes like moosh.
You can't even finish a simple meal,
without feeling the ache.

You think: "I'll see her one day, I'll be back again with her, you'll all see!"

But no one believes you.
They never do (until it happens to them).

This love sickness,
it's the silent killer.

But I'd rather feel the ache than to never have felt it at all.
It's the best way to go, in my opinion.

*This story is dedicated to my grandpa, who passed away last week from a broken heart. Or was it kidney failure...

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Two Cents: On College and Cover Letters

There are a few things that I've learned so far in my short lil life that I hope can help a couple peeps out there that are currently going through them.

Seriously! Don't roll your eyes ;)

As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I was asked to write a post on tips to help college grads who were currently job seeking. I thought I would add to that post with a follow up one today. It's a mean, mean world out there, but by being prepared you can avoid the cold shoulder. So here are some tips I've thrown together to help ya out!

If you're currently in college:

If you're majoring in anything that's not generic, you might want to consider also getting at least a minor in a more well known topic. I'm talking Communications, Math, English, Teaching, Science, History, or anything else you were exposed to during high school. Pick one you already like, or are good at, and just get a little baby degree with it.

For example: I was majoring in Film (thanks to Little Miss Sunshine) and wanted to concentrate on script writing. That's all fine and dandy, but in the real world, most jobs outside the entertainment industry don't give a crap if you studied anything relating to film at all. It's a niche major, so I decided to double up and also get a degree in Communication Studies. This was a general subject that most employers recognize, and I knew I could support myself with a day job just about anywhere while pursuing my film career at the same time. Gotta pay the bills.

The Pros:

-I love writing, so Comm was the best choice for me.
-The rhetorical studies classes helped me with my script writing while getting me a Comm degree, double score.
-I learned a whole ton about interpersonal communication, which helped me throughout college.
-I still use most of what I learned in Comm today, very applicable to daily life.

The Cons:

-It took me an extra year to graduate.
-I had to double up my work load, plus I worked part time, so yeah it was crazy.

-It cost me more money (although I had a state funded grant + scholarships, so it's not like I could use the money on anything but school).
-Some things did fall through the cracks like homework and some social stuff.

It's not all roses or whatever, it's hard work. But this type of degree will save your behind when you graduate and realize no on is hiring in the theatre makeup department and your parents just took you off their family cell phone bill. I bet if you look at your GE credits, you already have a couple in one subject to get you started. Trust me it's worth it!

If you're currently applying for a job:

You need a killer cover letter. It's so vital to have one, almost more important than your resume. Your resume can be plain and simple, but your cover letter needs some pizzazz. Here's what your cover letter should include:

-Open with a greeting, then a strong intro. Mention how excited you are that the job is available, pepper in some of your key skills, and say how honored you would be to join their team/staff.

-Next, list some highlights of your skill-set, or link up to your writing samples, or reel, or whatever. Make this part super easy to skim.

-Emphasize how your skills could benefit a company. Why do they need to pick you over others? Make yourself seem like a commodity.

*-(this one is optional) Add in a brief about me. I do this when I apply for my writing gigs, and it seems to pull in more clients. People love a good mini bio! It depends on what type of job you are applying for, and how comfortable you are about including this part. It's up to you.

-End with the obvious, "attached is my resume", and offer the opportunity to further discuss your skills in person/over the phone.

-Sign off with your name, number, and email address, even though it's on your resume.

Then follow up with a killer interview, using the skills I mentioned over HERE, and you should be set.

Anyone have other tips to add to these categories? Leave them in the comments, help some peeps out!


Friday, November 7, 2014

Stuff! I know right?!

Alright, I think I found a foundation/BB creme that doesn't make my skin hate me by the end of the day. I know you sooo were worried! ;)

Would you still read my blog if I smiled like this always? ;)

Seriously though, does anyone else have this problem with super dry skin that peels off? I feel like I deal with it every fall/winter but never learn. Probs should go to a derm but you know, #lazy.

Here's the link to this awesome sauce BB HERE
It's not a new product by any means, just new to my face. 

Plans for le weekend:

Not too eventful, just going to get caught up with my freelancing work. I'm going to look for a few more article jobs to make some extra cash money for the holidays. I think the hubs might have stuff planned, but I can't remember exactly what. Hmmm I should listen more...I know he had a few recipes in mind to cook, and I should maybe make some coffee cake since he sent me literally 5 emails with lists and lists of coffee cake options. Hint much?! Haha so yeah if they turn out I might post the recipe here if you feel like baking too.

Lately I've been daydreaming about opening up my own studio where all I do is write content with a fabulous group of crazy talented writers. It just sounds so perfect to me! So, new goal, I will eventually do this as a career and open up my dream studio. It's gonna happen folks. I'm marking my words here! This is the game plan in steps (bc #listsarefun):

-Continue to find work this year as a freelance content creator/writer.
-Strive to make more money with freelancing than my day job.
-Go part time at my day job, taking freelancing up full time. (I would transition away from admin at my day job and focus solely on the marketing aspect).
-Rent out a space that's not my house (super important to me to remove work from my home).
-Hire some aspiring writers so I can take on more clients.

It's so important to set goals for yourself, even if the deadlines vary, or things get delayed. I know planning never goes as, well, planned, but it's still so important to your mental health to have that goal in your mind that you are working towards. Remember that if you ever get overwhelmed or frustrated, sad or afraid, ask yourself these two questions:

1. Is this the worst thing that has ever happened to me?

2. If NO, then you know you've made it through worse, and you'll be fine. If YES, then you know that by handling this situation, all other bad ones will pale in comparison, and eventually you will be fine. 

Think of it as a challenge rather than a struggle. You will get through the hard times, and you will succeed at your intended goal. If you don't believe in your capabilities then no one else will either.

Lastly, since for some reason this post turned into a pep talk (what the hell man?) never ever break a promise you make to yourself. I've had so many people break their word to me, like family members, and it hurts. A lot. So don't do this to yourself. You have 100% control over what you do, so keep these promises! I plan on keeping this promise, and my studio is gonna be so rad!!

Alright, pep talk over! Here's a video to lighten the mood (the copyright is weird so I can't find the embedding code):

Taylor Swift's Shake It Off to a 1989 Sportaerobic competition! 


 Enjoy your weekend!


Maybe I should take makeup picks AFTER I do my hair...

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Story 23 // Born An Adult

I was never great at being a kid.

Maybe it was my only child upbringing, or the fact that I never had any cousins. I was constantly around adults at family gatherings, so talking about the latest Hey Arnold! episode would never work. I had to refine my tastes, soak up some culture. I strived to be as poised as ever to show my maturity. I may not have had any wrinkles yet, but I made sure to scrunch my face up every night to speed up the process.

When I was very young I went to private school. They loved my grown up attitude, and nurtured it. I felt like I had finally found my grove by 2nd grade, when I purchased my first adult book bag for class with my birthday money. It was a high point that I will always cherish.

By 4th grade, my parents divorced, and forced me to switch to public school. It was a terrible transition, well, along with the divorce obviously. Public school was not regarded highly in my group of adult stuffed animals that I met with each week to discuss foreign policy, among other relevant worldly topics. So imagine my embarrassment breaking the news to them. Yes, I did cry afterwards.

I still wanted to wear office clothes to class, carry a brief case instead of a backpack, and walk around in business heels, like I had done everyday in private school. This, to my dismay, was not accepted at public school. All my classmates thought that was weird. After all, I was still in Jr. High. But that didn't mean I should be forced to wear surf brand t-shirts with weird logos on them or worse, SKORTS! Ugh...

So I played the part. I dressed down, threw on some jean capris instead of a pencil skirt. I wore those jelly bracelets that were all the rage in the late 90s. It pained me to hide my true identity, but thats what you have to do to fit in, right? That's what every person wants, to be accepted some how.

I got through middle school hiding my adult tendencies. I only read non-fiction novels at night, never carrying them around in my book bag. I watched 60 minutes secretly from the hallway to our living room. I never talked about how much I envied Lesly Stahl's amazing journalism either. I was living a secret life, and I was okay with that, until it all got to a breaking point.

When I turned 18 I decided, enough was enough, I can't live like this anymore! I had to live my secret life in the open. It needed fresh air, deprived for so long in the dark. Locked away for my eyes only. But not anymore. At 18, I was legally recognized as an adult. It was the happiest moment of my life! I registered to vote that same day, crossing my fingers I would get jury duty. I got as many collared shirts and slacks as my part time income allowed. It was so nice to be accepted as the adult I had always been, my true self.

Now, whenever I hear a friend mention how much they wish they could go back to childhood, to those innocent days of playing with toys and stomping in muddy puddles, I cringe. Those days never belonged to me, my soul belongs in this stage in my life. I love doing taxes, paying for insurance, and furthering my career with night school. If this doesn't make sense to you, it's because you were a kid once. You embraced that experience. But if you can relate to me, even just a little bit, you were born to be an adult. Welcome to the best time of your life.

*While this is a fictional story, some elements are true to my life. I really do love Lesly Stahl, she's way rad. Also, this story has a subliminal analogy, did you pick up on it? 

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Freelance Wrap-Up for October Using Little Miss Sunshine Gifs!

So, October, you were a crazy roller coaster of a month. But I still loved you!

Let's just jump right in cannonball style:

I got some really cool freelancing jobs, some tough ones too, and in the end I learned a crap ton along the way. I thought I would cover some whirlwind highlights using the best movie gifs ever: Little Miss Sunshine*

So as you know, I sent out about 50 resumes and was kinda nervous about getting any responses. That's a lot of emails! I checked my gmail a bazillion times a day. 

And you know what? I got some pretty cool responses actually. Cool clients, down to earth peeps, and all around fun work. Well, most of it. Some wasn't so easy (foreshadowing!).

I was doing my thing, getting busy, and then my schedule blew up. 

Literally, I had moved away from normal Hannah to crazy writing Hannah who wrote a bunch of articles a day while trying to work full time and hang out with my hubs and cat too. 

Isn't this shot cool? Sorry, can't stop won't stop film analysis.

So I lost a bit of control over my weekly schedule. I was missing my gym routines to try to play catchup, 

I was missing sleep, and I wasn't making a whole lotta cash. Granted, it was more income than I thought I could pull in from side work, but the amount of hours spent doing it wasn't paying out, literally. I felt like I had sold out a bit and spread myself too thin.

After a few re-edits later, I decided to do something about it. I was gonna get off the crazy train, and hop onto the slower, but still goal chasing bus. (Whoa analogy!)

And I feel fine with my decision, really. After all, I put myself out there, took on a lot of work, which was rewarding and nerve-wracking, but I still made it through. Fist pumps all around! 

This was me a few months ago. So afraid to break outta my shell and try freelancing!

I gave all these jobs a "yes" answer, and found that all but one didn't work for me. That ain't bad! 

So I'm still looking for some side work to add to my routine, but not anything major. I want to keep my schedule free from too many deadlines. 

I've picked up two regular clients, and one part time client. And all of them are so freaking nice! Seriously lucked out! 

I'll keep you updated on how November goes, but right now I'm gonna grab me a holiday drink at S-bucks bc yay for red cup drinks! (It's in the 80s around here tho, so I'll be drinking peppermint mochas in a tank top. Come on scarf weather!). 


*LMS is my all time favorite movie because after seeing it, I decided to change my major to film. Like same day, I walked straight from the theatre to the administration building and switched it. I was in my second (of five) years at college, and I had already changed my major 5 times. Yeah, I was kinda indecisive ha! But I stuck with this one, all thanks to you, Little Miss Sunshine!!