Would you still read my blog if I smiled like this always? ;)
Seriously though, does anyone else have this problem with super dry skin that peels off? I feel like I deal with it every fall/winter but never learn. Probs should go to a derm but you know, #lazy.
Lately I've been daydreaming about opening up my own studio where all I do is write content with a fabulous group of crazy talented writers. It just sounds so perfect to me! So, new goal, I will eventually do this as a career and open up my dream studio. It's gonna happen folks. I'm marking my words here! This is the game plan in steps (bc #listsarefun):
-Continue to find work this year as a freelance content creator/writer.
-Strive to make more money with freelancing than my day job.
-Go part time at my day job, taking freelancing up full time. (I would transition away from admin at my day job and focus solely on the marketing aspect).
-Rent out a space that's not my house (super important to me to remove work from my home).
-Hire some aspiring writers so I can take on more clients.
It's so important to set goals for yourself, even if the deadlines vary, or things get delayed. I know planning never goes as, well, planned, but it's still so important to your mental health to have that goal in your mind that you are working towards. Remember that if you ever get overwhelmed or frustrated, sad or afraid, ask yourself these two questions:
Think of it as a challenge rather than a struggle. You will get through the hard times, and you will succeed at your intended goal. If you don't believe in your capabilities then no one else will either.
Lastly, since for some reason this post turned into a pep talk (what the hell man?) never ever break a promise you make to yourself. I've had so many people break their word to me, like family members, and it hurts. A lot. So don't do this to yourself. You have 100% control over what you do, so keep these promises! I plan on keeping this promise, and my studio is gonna be so rad!!
Alright, pep talk over! Here's a video to lighten the mood (the copyright is weird so I can't find the embedding code):
Enjoy your weekend!
Seriously though, does anyone else have this problem with super dry skin that peels off? I feel like I deal with it every fall/winter but never learn. Probs should go to a derm but you know, #lazy.
Here's the link to this awesome sauce BB HERE
It's not a new product by any means, just new to my face. Plans for le weekend:
Not too eventful, just going to get caught up with my freelancing work. I'm going to look for a few more article jobs to make some extra cash money for the holidays. I think the hubs might have stuff planned, but I can't remember exactly what. Hmmm I should listen more...I know he had a few recipes in mind to cook, and I should maybe make some coffee cake since he sent me literally 5 emails with lists and lists of coffee cake options. Hint much?! Haha so yeah if they turn out I might post the recipe here if you feel like baking too.Lately I've been daydreaming about opening up my own studio where all I do is write content with a fabulous group of crazy talented writers. It just sounds so perfect to me! So, new goal, I will eventually do this as a career and open up my dream studio. It's gonna happen folks. I'm marking my words here! This is the game plan in steps (bc #listsarefun):
-Continue to find work this year as a freelance content creator/writer.
-Strive to make more money with freelancing than my day job.
-Go part time at my day job, taking freelancing up full time. (I would transition away from admin at my day job and focus solely on the marketing aspect).
-Rent out a space that's not my house (super important to me to remove work from my home).
-Hire some aspiring writers so I can take on more clients.
It's so important to set goals for yourself, even if the deadlines vary, or things get delayed. I know planning never goes as, well, planned, but it's still so important to your mental health to have that goal in your mind that you are working towards. Remember that if you ever get overwhelmed or frustrated, sad or afraid, ask yourself these two questions:
1. Is this the worst thing that has ever happened to me?
2. If NO, then you know you've made it through worse, and you'll be fine. If YES, then you know that by handling this situation, all other bad ones will pale in comparison, and eventually you will be fine.
Lastly, since for some reason this post turned into a pep talk (what the hell man?) never ever break a promise you make to yourself. I've had so many people break their word to me, like family members, and it hurts. A lot. So don't do this to yourself. You have 100% control over what you do, so keep these promises! I plan on keeping this promise, and my studio is gonna be so rad!!
Alright, pep talk over! Here's a video to lighten the mood (the copyright is weird so I can't find the embedding code):
Taylor Swift's Shake It Off to a 1989 Sportaerobic competition!
Maybe I should take makeup picks AFTER I do my hair...
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