Friday, March 20, 2015

Perseverance, character, hope

Recently I've been doing a She Reads Truth series, the "give thanks" 12 day one, and it's been such a refreshing experience. You know when you just need a boost? I never buy in app stuff either, but this one sounded like the perfect fit, so I bit the bullet and paid the $1.99. High roller, I know. 

Today's reading covered giving thanks while suffering, and everything clicked. Especially Romans 1:1-5. In it a sentence read: 

Suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; character, hope. 

Or something like that. 

Right before reading this, I was driving home from work. I had stayed late because I was helping my dad (who's also my boss) with my grandpa's trust account (he passed away recently with 4 other family members, 2014 wasn't a great year), and I was a bit out of it. As I drove through an intersection, a white truck ran the red and sped towards me. I was inches from crashing, and all I could do was thank God my brakes worked. I was close, and it reminded me of my crash in 2005.

I call it THE CRASH. I should of been crushed in my car. After all, a truck had just rammed it, pushing it 20 feet. The driver was 3x over the legal limit. But I was fine. After being jaws-of-life pried out of that car, I walked away unhurt, for the most part. Minor damages from a total wreckage. 

That's why I give thanks in those situations. This series is amazing, I think you all should give it a shot. 

Til next time peeps,


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